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prov·o·ca·tion - something that provokes, arouses, or stimulates. pant - to long eagerly; yearn. a collection of thoughts intended to provoke and inspire. these posts are hoping to encourage people to think, especially Christians, and pant even harder for the waterbrooks of the Lord. If you are not a believer in Christ Jesus, I welcome your perspective and encourage your investigation on these matters.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A Christian Prophet? Hardly.

Yesterday, I made a post called New Buddha Boy in Nepal (about the 15 year old who has been fasting for six months). For some reason, I rarely get comments on my blog, but every now and then I get some "left field" comments. Some of you may remember Andrew Bain's comments earlier in my second post on Jack Graham coming to Southern Seminary. He argued that Mohler should be anathema, and well, I had to deal with his extreme and outlandish comments. Well, today I got another one of those "left field" comments. This person's blog is called "The Christian Prophet" and here is what he says in the section "About Me": I am one who hears clearly the Voice for God and shares with everyone the predictions, all-seeing viewpoint, and teachings that are revealed. Although the Holy Spirit uses me to comment on political or cultural events, I have no agenda of my own, wanting nothing and only doing as told. How am I supposed to take these people? I simply cannot take them seriously. Part of me wants a hearty belly laugh; other parts make me want to throw up; yet another make me wonder if these people are seriously disillusioned and need real help. In each of his posts, he begins them with "The Holy Spirit answers:" Concerning the Buddha boy, the "Christian Prophet" explains that the Holy Spirit says the boy "is in your world as a part of God's plan for salvation. You must understand how God works . . ." Oh really? Mr. Prophet, you might have a spirit speaking to you, but it is not the Holy Spirit. I simply could not muster the desire to read any other posts in this blog (I could not bear it). The only Holy Spirit I listen to is the One who exalts Christ and illuminates God's Word. Truly, we are living in a day of false prophets, deceiving spirits, and religious kooks. My only hope is that people are not so dumb to think that this guy has anything really to say, except words to his own condemnation.


Blogger Lisa said...

I am somewhat surprised (though I should not be) that anyone would actually consider this person's claims as being legitimate...including the "prophet" himself. It makes me wonder what his own personal background is, his exposure to Christianity, and what is brought him to this point of disillusionment.

11/22/2005 07:38:00 PM


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