What?! Pyromaniac's Gone? No Way!
Phil Johnson began blogging shortly after I did (May 2005) and has amassed in this short period of time almost a half a million hits with hundreds of daily readers. However, as Johnson expresses, blogging has no longer been fun for him as he has the daily chore of keeping up with such a behemoth of a blog. Also, with such notoriety, Phil's blog has been the magnet for personal attacks and people with axes to grind. Yet another sad story of blogging gone bad.
So here are Phil's comments in his own words:
On top of that, blogging tempts me to write when I ought to be reading. It's virtually impossible to do any serious or in-depth study every day and also read all the blogs and blogcomments in my blogroll, while answering all the extra e-mail the blog generates.
My blog has become more than I can handle by myself in my spare time. In order to maintain it by myself and achieve the standard of excellence I want, it would require full-time maintenance. I simply cannot do that, and I don't want it to be mediocre.
If that all sounds like a convincing argument for the closure of PyroManiac, that's what I thought, too.
So as of this morning, PyroManiac is officially closed.
But that's not all. There is good news. Phil has started up a new group blog where he will be posting along with the likes of Frank Turk, Daniel J. Phillips, James Spurgeon, and Jonathan Johnson. The Teampyro blog looks much like Pyromaniac, and I am sure it will carry the same quality and excellence as previously experienced. Looking forward to the collective creativity and critical thought from these guys.
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