Dr. Russell Moore's Ministerial Goal
On Sunday nights for the month of September, Dr. Russell Moore has been teaching on eschatological issues at Ninth & O Baptist Church. Last night, he spoke from Revelation 20 and addressed the different views of the millennium. Now the message was great, but one particular thing he said really grabbed my attention. The context was the millennial reign, and how the Church is to remember the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ through Communion (the Lord's Supper). He mentioned about the mode in which we take of it. First, we have the stale, chicklet size bread (which I have yet to figure out), and the attitude in which we partake of it (squinting and feeling sorry for Jesus). Both, Moore said, is a misrepresentation of the way in which the Church is to remember the Victor and His reign.
I totally agree. Christ has called us to a banqueting table and a feast in His Kingdom. He has adopted us as sons and welcomed us into his kingdom to partake of the inheritances and promises which are "Yes" and "Amen" in Christ to the glory of God. Chicklets don't suffice! And our attitude should be of exultation and jubilation for our King is alive, and His kingdom is coming and His will is being done on earth as it is in heaven. We are a part of an enterprise that cannot fail, and the gates of hell shall not prevail!!!
So what's Moore's ministerial goal? To get rid of the chicklet, stale bread offered at the Lord's Supper.
Any suggestions? I've got mine. What's yours?
My suggestion:
I think we should have the O'Charley's rolls.
We often have communion in the midst of church wide meals. Once everyone has had a chance to eat, we move right into our remembrance of the Lord's death until he returns. We use fresh loaves from a bakery, torn apart, accompanied by part of the loaf for those who wish to tear a piece off personally, and we use larger sized cups.
9/19/2005 11:27:00 PM
It seems that you guys have a great solution to this "problem". In the previous church in which I served, we had one giant loaf of bread made by a lady in our church. It was broken into pieces by the staff and distributed by the deacons. I think the idea came from the churches in the Ukraine.
Of course, my suggestions is tongue-in-cheek, but I believe Dr. Moore is more serious about it than I am (and I do take it seriously). The kingdom of God is more than a bread of crumbs, and I think that the mode and means in which we partake of the Lord's Table should be re-examined.
Appreciate your suggestion!
9/20/2005 10:56:00 AM
Dare I suggest that we celebrate communion as the churches in Acts did... With wine?
1/21/2006 11:50:00 PM
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