Another Game Called "Who's Next?"
Tom Ascol just posted yesterday that Steve Gaines, former pastor of First Baptist Gardendale, AL and now pastor of Bellevue Baptist Memphis TN (former pastor was Adrian Rogers), has recently preached a sermon entitled "I Believe in Salvation" based on 1 Timothy 2:1-10. Gaines has officially become the next SBC leader to attack the doctrines of grace (and grossly misrepresent it at that). What is it that these guys have against grace? Could it be more than that? Could there be an agenda going on in the SBC to justify why numbers are declining?
That reminds me of the song, "Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm."
Anyway, here's the game. Let's see who can guess the next big SBC leader to attack the doctrines of grace. Let me get you caught up thus far:
1. Adrian Rogers Predestined to Hell? Absolutely Not!
2. Johnny Hunt The Security and Sureness of Our Salvation Series (at bottom of page)
3. Bobby Welch First Baptist Daytona Newsletter
4. Jack Graham "The Truth About Grace"
5. Steve Gaines "I Believe in Salvation" (no link at this moment)
Now, the question is, "Who's next?" Can anyone guess?
If he hasn't already, I'll put my guess as next on the docket to be . . .
Jerry Vines, pastor of First Baptist Jacksonville, FL.
I may be wrong, of course, but these guys are starting to get really predictable...
At the pastors conference next year at the SBC, Drs. Al Mohler and Paige Patterson will be doing a q&a on election and evangelism.
(heard via Bill Cook and Russell Moore)
10/26/2005 01:08:00 AM
Hey hey Michael,
You are ahead of the game. You have spoken out of turn. That game is called "I Heard It Through the Grapevine."
No, I'm kidding. Yeah, I heard the same thing and have actually been thinking about that today, as to whether or how much it will affect SBC and the undercurrent of Arminianism. We may just have to wait and see.
10/26/2005 03:45:00 AM
First of all, I just want to say "thanks" for visiting P&P. The people who read this blog (from what I can tell) come from various theological frameworks, even some who are not Christian altogether.
To address Calvinism or the doctrines of grace in a comment section would be like trying to scoop up an ocean with a teaspoon. I simply cannot do it right now. If you would like to read up on what Reformed theology is, I would be happy to refer you to some good reads and links. Let me suggest my earlier bibliography on election which you can find on my sidebar. From there you can find some books and articles that address the issue(s).
As far as the SBC goes, since the resurgence back in '79, there has been the victory over liberalism which has brought great praise. However, the fight has not left the dog, and he continues to want to bark up other trees. Therefore, to stay active and aggressive, new fights must ensue, and that is what SBC leadership has been doing in recent years. As of late, I have been posting quite a bit on Calvinism, but that is not what this blog is entirely about. As a matter of fact, I am moving away to address other issues and thoughts which I have been meditating on.
For some time there has been a schism between academia and populism, elitists and laymen, and blogs (in my opnion) have begun to bridge the gap, holding elitists accountable and informing the public. Of course, there will be those who don't like it, and others who simply don't care. Yet the fact is that blogs have brought a voice to silent majorities and legitimate critique of errors, especially when it comes to matters of truth and doctrine. While the medium is new, the method is not, for throughout history, Christians have discussed, debated, and even condemned false teachers and heresies.
I sincerely hope that, although you may not agree doctrinally on everything I say, you would consider the evidence and reasoning behind what is being said. While I realize that I do not deserve a reading community, I am grateful for every person who has found their way to P&P and for some reason choose to frequent it. It is my hope that in the future you would do the same; but if not, thanks again for inquiring, and I hope that I can be of some assistance to you for the glory of God and the pillar and butress of truth - the Church.
10/26/2005 03:36:00 PM
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