Welcoming Dr. David Sills to the Blogosphere
Over the past couple of months, it has been a great encouragement to get to know Dr. Sills, Associate Professor of Christian Missions and Cultural Anthropology at Southern Seminary. I had him for Intro to Missiology last semester, but really did not get to know him until I was part of the Ecuador team which he lead last month. It was a tremendous privilege to drill Dr. Sills with all kinds of theological and missiological questions and concerns, and hear candid and thorough responses from a practitioner and theologian.
Dr. Sills has spent several years on the field as well as behind the sacred desk. He has planted churches in Ecuador, predominantly among the Quichua people. He is also the author of two books: Capacitación Pastoral en la Cultura Quichua (2002) and Quichuas de la Sierra: Descubriendo un modelo de adiestramiento pastoral culturalmente apropiado (2002). As a professor and practitioner, he resembles in large part what I desire to be as a scholar missionary.
I must admit - I was on a sort of blog campaign to get him on board (as well as some other professors), and he has done so - in quite a large way. His main blog serves as a metablog which serves as a gateway of sorts to the rest of his blogs (nine that is) geared towards specific anthropological and missiological issues. He also has a website of his own which is worth checking out. For those of you interested in missions and missiological issues, I am sure that his work will profitable for your perusal and interaction. Help me welcome Dr. Sills to the blogosphere!
Below are his links:
David Sills (Homepage)
David Sills Metablog
Bible Translation
Cohort Colloquium
Cultural Anthropology
Intercultural Ministry
Unreached People Groups
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2/15/2006 09:55:00 PM
Attach name please.
I'll give you till tomorrow morning or your comment will be deleted. It's a matter of credibility and ownership. Thanks.
2/15/2006 11:15:00 PM
For those of you who comment, thank you. I truly appreciate your input. However, as a rule here @ P&P, anyone who comments under the identity of "anonymous" is required to supply at least a first name for identification purposes. Consequently, the comment above was removed because of the refusal to meet that request. In the future, those of you who do not have a Blogger account are welcome to comment - but please identify yourself.
2/16/2006 04:50:00 AM
Let me just say something I have noticed. A while back someone made a comment that disagreed with you, and you made a HUGE deal about it be under anonymous. But a few comments down, someone made a comment under anonymous but they totally agreed with you and absolutely nothing was said to that individual. More than likely when you read this you will delete this comment. It is the principle of the issue---the ones who agree it's okay to be anonymous, but those who disagree, well heaven forbid, you are just a telemarketer whose comments are equal to spam. Wow.
2/16/2006 04:27:00 PM
I am sorry but that is simply not the case. The fact that you refuse to identify yourself precludes anything you might thereafter say. If you were to check with any reputable blog, they follow the same guidelines (many do not even allow comments from anyone except those who ahve a blogger account). I allow anonymous comments for the sake of those like you who do not have an account but still would like to comment. The only thing I ask is that you identify who you are. How hard is that? It is not about whether or not I agree with you or not. If you spent a little time reading the comments on my blog, you will find that a large number of them disagree with me. As a matter of fact, some of my closest friends disagree with me on several issues, yet we are very close and very respectful of one another. And you know what, we even know our names. Wonder of wonders.
If you have nothing else to do but post anonymous comments without credibility or accountability for what you say, I suggest you find a better blog than mine. There are many others who have much more important things to say than mine and say it in a much better way. Were you to post and leave your name, that would simply solve the problem - a problem that is not worth my time addressing. Sorry.
2/16/2006 07:46:00 PM
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