Flickr News for My Foto Friends
Since today is Friday, the day when we post our photos and whatever else we do to fill empty space in the blogworld, I thought I'd mention a few things concerning the wonderful world of Flickr.
1. Instead of spending 20 mintues trying to find everyone's photos to link them to my POTW post, Kevin Cawley has done us all a favor and created a Flickr group where all the Friday Photos can be found. If you don't have a Flickr account, don't worry - it's free. To sign up, go here. To join the Friday Photo group, go here. I will be posting my Friday Photo later this afternoon. I will, by the way, continue the links which are not photo related such as the history by William Turner and poetry by Brent Thomas.
2. Flagrant Disregard has some really cool toys to place with, especially if you have Flickr. I recently posted a picture made by Scout which is a widget that finds all your photos that was ranked in the top 500 around the Flickr world for any given day. After 1600 photos posted, I had some 35 photos in Explore (give or take a few which roll on and off the list). Here's the photo in case you were interested (click to enlarge):
3. Last month, I had this strange feeling that I needed to start a game for my Flickr friends in Louisville. There is a group of photogs from Louisville totally about 125 people currently in the Louisville Flickr community. So I decided to start a came called "Where's Flicko?" The deal is simply this: someone takes a photo somewhere in the Louisville city limits and posts it in the thread without telling anyone where he/she was. The rest of us race to find that place, take the exact same picture, and post in on the thread. The first one to do it gets the largest number of points. All who post the identical pic afterwards gets additional points as well. Then another picture is posted, and the game recycles itself. Pretty silly, huh? Hey, I created it, so what do you expect? Well, if it flies and people like it, we are thinking about exporting it to the Flickr world at large, trying to have "Where's Flicko?" in multiple cities around the world. We'll have to see about that.
4. Finally, in light of the recent news about the DG National Conference, my mind went back to the fact that I have a TON of photos yet to post from the T4G Conference. I think you will like the ones I will post later today. Here's a one-word hint: passion.
To view my Flickr page, go to Sola Lumina Captura.
To view my T4G album, go here.
To view my postcards and popular photos, go here.
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